Electricity production and consumption data from Danish power grid and governmental office buildings

Asger Alexander Wendt Karl*, Esmir Maslesa, Morten Birkved

*Corresponding author for this work

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This data article is the second component of the two-part study on the effects of high-resolution energy data on building life cycle assessments (LCAs) (Environmental performance assessment of the use stage of buildings using dynamic high-resolution energy consumption and data on grid composition, in press) [1]. The first part being the article serving as the main platform for the communication of the conclusions of the study, and this data article serving as Supporting information, as well as a means to present any results and analysis not included in the article. The focus is to present additional information strengthening the findings of the article, by showing data, graphs, and tables not included in the research article due to size limitations.
Original languageEnglish
Article number103684
JournalData in Brief
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 2019


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