Efficient generation of continuous-wave yellow-orange light using sum-frequency in periodically poled KTP

Jiri Janousek, Sandra Johansson, Peter Tidemand-Lichtenberg, Jesper Liltorp Mortensen, Preben Buchhave, Fredrik Laurell

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterResearchpeer-review


We present highly efficient sum-frequency generation between two CW 1064 and 1342 nm laser lines of two Nd:YVO4 lasers using periodically poled KTP. This is an all solid-state light source in the yellow-orange spectral range.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2004
Publication statusPublished - 2004
Event20th Anniversary Meeting Advanced Solid State Photonics - Vienna, Austria
Duration: 6 Feb 20059 Feb 2005


Conference20th Anniversary Meeting Advanced Solid State Photonics


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