Efficient attenuation of beam vibrations by inertial amplification

Mateusz Barys*, Jakob S. Jensen, Niels Morten Marslev Frandsen

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    We demonstrate efficient attenuation of flexural vibrations by attaching a simple inertial amplification (IA) mechanism to a slender elastic beam. The mechanism generates enhanced inertial forces between two attachment points, which effectively counteracts the elastic forces in the beam for certain anti-resonance frequencies. These anti-resonances may be generated in the low-frequency range, even for a small added mass. Furthermore, the hybrid structures are shown to exhibit two neighbouring anti-resonance dips providing wide and deep attenuation regions in the frequency domain. The obtained numerical results are validated with the experimental data.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalEuropean Journal of Mechanics A - Solids
    Pages (from-to)245-257
    Publication statusPublished - 2018


    • Inertial amplification mechanism
    • Bending vibrations
    • Vibration attenuation


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