Effects of current limit for grid forming converters on transient stability: Analysis and solution

Kanakesh Vatta Kkuni, Guangya Yang*

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Grid forming control applied to power converters termed as grid forming converters (GFC) interfacing storage and renewable generation has been identified as a potential solution to facilitate a more significant penetration of converter-based renewable generation in the power system. The emulated electromechanical model in the GFC is also the synchronization unit which typically utilizes measured output active power from the GFC as the feedback variable. However, this feature has opened up a concern on the transient stability due to loss of synchronism under significant transient events in the power systems, which include frequency change, phase jump, and voltage dips. This paper presents a quantitative and illustrative analysis of the impact of the current limit in GFC on the transient stability of a system comprising of GFC. Furthermore, a solution based on virtual active power is proposed to improve the transient stability margin of the GFC when the GFC enters the current limit. Finally, the analysis and the proposed method to enhance the transient stability are verified by Power hardware in the loop (PHIL) experimental tests.
Original languageEnglish
Article number109919
JournalInternational Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • grid forming control
  • Transient stability
  • Synchronization stbility
  • Converter control
  • Current limit


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