Effects of co-sintering in self-standing CGO/YSZ and CGO/ ScYSZ dense bi-layers

Francesca Teocoli, De Wei Ni, Karen Brodersen, Søren Preben Vagn Foghmoes, Severine Ramousse, Vincenzo Esposito

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Viscoelastic properties and sintering mechanisms of tape-casted gadolinium-doped ceria (CGO), yttrium-stabilized zirconia (YSZ), and scandium–yttriumstabilized zirconia (ScYSZ) are characterized in order to investigate the reciprocal thermo-mechanical compatibility when arranged as a self-standing bi-layered electrolyte system. The combined use of thermo-mechanical analysis, optical dilatometry, and scanning electron microscopy ensures a systematic characterization of both the individual layers and CGO/YSZ and CGO/ScYSZ bi-layered laminates. The results of the co-firing process of the bi-layers are critical due to the mismatch of thermo-mechanical and sintering properties among the materials. Despite the better sinteractivity of ScYSZ, the self-standing CGO/ScYSZ bilayer presents more challenges in terms of densification compared with the CGO/YSZ bi-layer. In particular, above 1200 C, ScYSZ and CGO show residual porosity, and at higher sintering temperatures, above 1300 C, full densification is completely inhibited by constrained sintering phenomena.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Materials Science
Pages (from-to)5324–5333
Publication statusPublished - 2014


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