Effect of in-plane alignment on selective area grown homo-epitaxial nanowires

G Nagda*, D V Beznasyuk, J Nygard, T S Jespersen

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In-plane selective area growth (SAG) of III-V nanowires (NWs) has emerged as a scalable materials platform for quantum electronics and photonics applications. Most applications impose strict requirements on the material characteristics which makes optimization of the crystal quality vital. Alignment of in-plane SAG NWs with respect to the substrate symmetry is of importance due to the large substrate-NW interface as well as to obtain nanostructures with well-defined facets. Due to fabrication tolerances, some misalignment is unavoidable. Here we study the effect of mis-orientation on morphology of selectively grown NWs oriented along the [1-1-1] direction on GaAs(211)B. Atomic force microscopy is performed to extract facet roughness as a measure of structural quality. Further, we evaluate the dependence of material incorporation in NWs on the orientation and present the facet evolution in between two high symmetry in-plane orientations. By investigating the length dependence of NW morphology, we find that the morphology of ≈ 1 μm long NWs remains unaffected by misalignment. Finally, we show that using Sb as a surfactant during growth improves facet roughness for large misalignment, but has no effect at small scale.
Original languageEnglish
Article number275702
Issue number27
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 2023

Bibliographical note

This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant agreement no. 716655) and Microsoft Quantum. T.S.J acknowledges support from the ERC grant agreement no. 866158. G .N. would like to thank Peter Krogstrup, Anna Wulff Christensen, Tobias Særkjær and Steffen Zelzer for fruitful discussions. The authors acknowledge technical support from Claus Sørensen and Martin Bjergfelt. The Center for Quantum Devices is supported by the Danish National Research Foundation.


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