Effect of Geometry in Frequency Response Modeling of Nanomechanical Resonators

M. Nasr Esfahania, M. Yilmaz, Mads Rostgaard Sonne, Jesper Henri Hattel, B. Erdem Alaca

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articleResearchpeer-review

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    The trend towards nanomechanical resonator sensors with increasing sensitivity raises the need to address challengesencountered in the modeling of their mechanical behavior. Selecting the best approach in mechanical response modelingamongst the various potential computational solid mechanics methods is subject to controversy. A guideline for theselection of the appropriate approach for a specific set of geometry and mechanical properties is needed. In this study, geometricallimitations in frequency response modeling of flexural nanomechanical resonators are investigated. Deviation ofEuler and Timoshenko beam theories from numerical techniques including finite element modeling and Surface Cauchy-Borntechnique are studied. The results provide a limit beyond which surface energy contribution dominates the mechanical behavior.Using the Surface Cauchy-Born technique as the reference, a maximum error on the order of 50 % is reported forhigh-aspect ratio resonators.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number030044
    JournalAIP Conference Proceedings
    Number of pages4
    Publication statusPublished - 2016
    Event13th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2015 (ICNAAM 2015) - Rhodes, Greece
    Duration: 22 Sept 201528 Sept 2015


    Conference13th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2015 (ICNAAM 2015)
    Internet address


    • Nanomechanical Resonator
    • Finite Element Modeling
    • Frequency
    • Geometry


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