Effect of finite ωτ on cyclotron-wave propagation in metals in the long-wavelength limit

J. B. Frandsen, R A Gordon

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Exact calculations of cyclotron-wave dispersion curves have been carried out for a degenerate free-electron metal including finite relaxation time effects. The calculated dispersion curves are shown to differ substantially from the experimental dispersion curves in the long-wavelength limit. The nature of this disagreement is discussed in some detail and it is pointed out that finite relaxation time effects could lead to significant changes in the experimentally determined Fermi-liquid parameters {Ai} for i≥2.
Original languageEnglish
JournalPhysical Review B
Issue number10
Pages (from-to)4342-4344
Publication statusPublished - 1976

Bibliographical note

Copyright (1976) by the American Physical Society.


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