EERA DTOC final summary report

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    The European Energy Research Alliance – Design Tools for Offshore wind farm Clusters (EERA DTOC) was partly funded by the European Commission. The EERA DTOC project lasted for 42 months. It started in January 2012 and ended in June 2015. The project had 22 partners across Europe and was led by DTU Wind Energy. The EERA DTOC project aimed to deliver robust and efficient software for planning of offshore wind farm clusters. The user requirements from industrial partners formed the basis for deciding on model integration and functionality. The many models that were available in the EERA consortium have been developed in previous projects, often through national funding. This was the first time a systematic effort to efficiently integrate the software has been performed. The software has been intensively validated during the project. The validation is based on wind farm production data from several large wind farms. Additionally, new experimental observations from scanning lidar and wind-profiling lidar on a moving platform (ship) as well as high resolution satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images have been applied for validation of wind farm wake models. The developed tool describes a new design tool based on open interfaces. This enables future integration of other software. The spin-off tool from the project is called Wind & Economy. The tool was used during the project by the partners to model several common test cases, so-called scenarios. These ranged from state of the art current practice for large offshore wind farms near the coast, through cluster scale wind farm planning very far offshore and to strategic planning of a far-future scenario around the year 2030.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherEERA DTOC - European Energy Research Alliance - Design Tool for Offshore Wind Farm Cluster
    Number of pages76
    Publication statusPublished - 2015


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