Economical heat recovery dynamic control and business model for supermarket refrigeration system coupled with district heating system

Chunjun Huang, Yi Zong*, Shi You, Chresten Træholt, Jan Eric Thorsen, Lars Finn Sloth Larsen

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Large amounts of waste heat during the cooling process of supermarket refrigeration systems (SRS) would be released. A heat recovery strategy potentially contributes to reducing the supermarket's heating costs related to buying heat from a district heating system (DHS). This paper explores the techno-economic feasibility of heat recovery for a real SRS integrated with a heat recovery unit (HRU) in terms of designing a dynamic heat recovery control (HRC) and business models. A cost-effective HRC is firstly developed for HRU to optimally manipulate the amount of heat recovered, thereby minimizing the real-time heat recovery cost. Furthermore, the business models of heat recovery under a long-term operation are proposed based on two transactional strategies between the SRS and DHS. A field test of the dynamic heat recovery for a remote SRS in Copenhagen Nordhavn area is conducted which demonstrates the proposed HRC algorithm can have a benefit of 0.49€ from a 3-h heat recovery operation. Moreover, the one-year operation of the SRS is also simulated which proves the developed two business models of heat recovery can achieve significant savings of 93% and 41% in energy costs.
Original languageEnglish
Article number100800
JournalSustainable Energy, Grids and Networks
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • Business model
  • District heating system
  • Heat recovery
  • Supermarket refrigeration system
  • Smart control


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