title = "ECOMAR: A data-driven framework for ecosystem-based Maritime Spatial Planning in Danish marine waters",
abstract = "We report the developments and results of the ECOMAR project, which have taken place 2018-2020 and was funded by THE VELUX FOUNDATIONS. ECOMAR has established state-of-the-art data sets for the distribution of human activities and pressures as well as ecosystem components in Danish marine waters. ECOMAR has mapped the combined effects of multiple human pressures, ranked pressures and analysed the potential effects of changes in pressure intensities and new human activities. ECOMAR has also outlined how zoning could be initiated in Denmark. Further, ECOMAR has modelled scenarios for 2030 and 2050 and concludes that agreed strategies and plans will probably not lead to reductions in human activities and pressures and accordingly unlikely to lead to improvements in environmental status.",
keywords = "Marine spatial planning (MSP), Ecosystem-based management (EBM), Maritime spatial planning directive (MSPD), Marine strategy framework directive (MSFD)",
author = "Andersen, {Jesper H.} and J{\o}rgen Bendtsen and Hammer, {Kathrine J.} and Therese Harvey and Knudsen, {Steen W.} and Murray, {Ciaran J.} and Jacob Carstensen and Petersen, {Ib Krag} and Signe Sveegaard and Jakob Tougaard and Karen Edelvang and Josefine Egekvist and Jeppe Olsen and Morten Vinther and Zyad Al-Hamdani and Jensen, {J{\o}rn Bo} and Leth, {J{\o}rgen O.} and Kaae, {Berit C.} and Olafsson, {Anton Stahl} and Will McClintock and Chad Burt and Dan Yocum",
year = "2020",
language = "English",
series = "NIVA Report",
number = "7562-2020",
publisher = "NIVA",