Drying of concrete. Part II: The drying time of concrete structures

Kurt Kielsgaard Hansen, Søren Lolk Christensen

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearch


    The composition of a concrete mix has a significant influence on the drying time to reach a given relative humidity in the concrete pores. Knowledge of the influence on the drying of a specific component in the concrete makes it possible to design a concrete mix having a predetermined drying time. In the paper the effects of the air content and the silica fume content on the drying time are investigated on two concrete mixes having different water/cement ratios. One concrete represents a normal concrete and the other represents a selfdesiccation concrete.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationPapers and Abstracts from the Third International Symposium on Humidity and Moisture
    Place of PublicationTeddington, UK
    PublisherNational Physical Laboratory
    Publication date1998
    Publication statusPublished - 1998
    EventThird International Symposium on Humidity and Moisture - National Physical Laboratory, London, United Kingdom
    Duration: 6 Apr 19988 Apr 1998
    Conference number: 3


    ConferenceThird International Symposium on Humidity and Moisture
    LocationNational Physical Laboratory
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom

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