Drag coefficients of lattice masts from full-scale wind-tunnel tests

Christos Georgakis, Ulrik Støttrup-Andersen, Marie Johnsen, Mogens Nielsen, Holger Koss

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


    In this paper, the drag coefficients obtained from a series of full-scale section model wind-tunnel tests of several lattice mast configurations are presented and compared to those provided in Eurocode 3 and ESDU. The drag coefficients provided in Eurocode are conservative interpretations of 1:5 scale section model tests performed at the National Physics Laboratory and the National Maritime Institute in the UK in the 1970´s. ESDU provides velocity-dependent drag coefficients equivalent to those obtained from the same series of tests. In all cases, the mast legs and diagonals are comprised primarily of circular hollow sections, putting into question the validity of the scaled tests from the 70’s. The results of the full-scale tests show that the drag coefficients of the masts have lower values than those obtained from the scaled tests for turbulent wind and higher for winds with low turbulence.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publication5th European African Conference on Wind Engineering
    Publication date2009
    Publication statusPublished - 2009
    Event5th European African Conference on Wind Engineering - Florence, Italy
    Duration: 19 Jul 200923 Jul 2009


    Conference5th European African Conference on Wind Engineering


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