Downconversion Master Slave OCT With a Bidirectional Sweeping Laser

A. Martinez Jimenez*, R. Cernat, A. Bradu, R. Riha, E. A. Proano Grijalva, B. O. Meyer, T. Ansbaek, K. Yvind, A. Podoleanu

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This paper explores the challenges of signal processing when using optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging instruments driven by asymmetric MHz bidirectional sweeping lasers. A downconversion master–slave (DMS) method is proposed as a viable alternative to the traditional OCT protocol. Unlike conventional swept source OCT, which requires a separate calibration for each sweep, the DMS approach does not require calibration of the acquired channeled spectra; its operation is independent of the tuning direction. We demonstrate the practicality of the DMS method with en-face OCT images obtained with an OCT instrument equipped with a fast bidirectional swept laser (tuning speed 1.6 MHz) and a slow acquisition card of only 2.5 MS/s sampling rate.

Original languageEnglish
Journaljournal of biophotonics
Number of pages12
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2025


  • Bidirectional
  • OCT
  • Swept-source


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