Distribution of I-127 and I-129 in precipitation at high European latitudes

A. Aldahan, S. Persson, G. Possnert, Xiaolin Hou

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    We here present the most extensive data set on the distribution of 127I and 129I in precipitation (rain and snow) covering the period 2000–2006 and European latitudes 55°N–68°N. Our results indicate a wide variation in the concentrations and fluxes of the two isotopes associated with generally higher values at near coastal sites compared to the inland ones. Total wet-related annual deposition of 127I and 129I on Sweden and Denmark is estimated at about 1.2 × 109 g and 60 g respectively. The average annual 129I wet deposition accounts for
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalGeophysical Research Letters
    Pages (from-to)L11805
    Publication statusPublished - 2009


    • Radioecology and tracer studies
    • Nuclear technologies


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