Distributed Optimal Voltage Control for VSC-HVDC Connected Large-Scale Wind Farm Cluster Based on Analytical Target Cascading Method

Shengli Huang, Qiuwei Wu, Jin Zhao, Wu Liao

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    This paper proposes an analytical target cascading (ATC) based distributed optimal voltage control (DOVC) scheme for the voltage-source-converter high-voltage-directcurrent (VSC-HVDC) connected large-scale wind farm cluster (WFC). The aims are to minimize the voltage fluctuations of the point of connection (POC), collector buses, and wind turbine (WT) terminal buses inside the WFC while regulating the bus voltages close to the rated voltage and smooth the reactive power outputs of the WTs. With the DOVC scheme, the large-scale strongly coupled sensitivity-based voltage optimization problem is decomposed and solved in the WFC voltage-sourceconverter (WFCVSC) controller and sub-wind farm controllers in parallel. The DOVC scheme considers the N − 1 principle to improve the reliability, and distributes computation burden to several controllers to achieve better scalability of the WFC. The optimization subproblems are solved with local constraints and local measurements while guaranteeing the optimality of the primal optimization problem. A WFC with 5 wind farms and each wind farm consisting of 20 WTs is used to validate the proposed DOVC scheme
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalIEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy
    Issue number4
    Pages (from-to)2152 - 2161
    Publication statusPublished - 2020


    • Analytical target cascading (ATC)
    • Distributed voltage control
    • Wind farm cluster (WFC)


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