Direct observation of grain boundary migration during recrystallization within the bulk of a moderately deformed aluminium single crystal

Steven Van Boxel, Søren Schmidt, Wolfgang Ludwig, Yubin Zhang, Dorte Juul Jensen, Wolfgang Pantleon

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


A single grain growing in the bulk of a mildly deformed (30% thickness reduction through cold rolling) aluminium single crystal with an {001}<100> orientation (Cube orientation), is monitored during recrystallization with synchrotron radiation using topo-tomography. The formation and migration of planar boundary segments (facets) are analyzed using a method that determines the displacements of local boundary segments along parallel lines perpendicular to the facet plane. Facets are observed to form after a certain annealing time. They migrate at a constant rate for extended periods of time and remain planar during their migration. A change in the migration rate for one facet has been observed which is not related to changes in the experimental conditions and is most likely to be driven by the changes in grain orientation and/or the local deformation microstructure. The crystallography of the analyzed facets is not closely related to any crystallographic {111} plane of neither the growing grain nor the disappearing deformed matrix. © 2013 The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials.
Original languageEnglish
JournalMaterials Transactions
Issue number1
Pages (from-to)128-136
Publication statusPublished - 2014


  • Recrystallization
  • Synchrotron radiation
  • Grain boundary migration
  • In-situ characterization
  • Aluminium
  • Topo-tomography


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