Direct measurement and modulation of single-molecule coordinative bonding forces in a transition metal complex.

Xian Hao, Nan Zhu, Tina Gschneidtner, Elvar Ö Jonsson, Jingdong Zhang, Kasper Moth-Poulsen, Hongda Wang, Kristian S Thygesen, Karsten W Jacobsen, Jens Ulstrup, Qijin Chi

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Coordination chemistry has been a consistently active branch of chemistry since Werner's seminal theory of coordination compounds inaugurated in 1893, with the central focus on transition metal complexes. However, control and measurement of metal-ligand interactions at the single-molecule level remain a daunting challenge. Here we demonstrate an interdisciplinary and systematic approach that enables measurement and modulation of the coordinative bonding forces in a transition metal complex. Terpyridine is derived with a thiol linker, facilitating covalent attachment of this ligand on both gold substrate surfaces and gold-coated atomic force microscopy tips. The coordination and bond breaking between terpyridine and osmium are followed in situ by electrochemically controlled atomic force microscopy at the single-molecule level. The redox state of the central metal atom is found to have a significant impact on the metal-ligand interactions. The present approach represents a major advancement in unravelling the nature of metal-ligand interactions and could have broad implications in coordination chemistry.
Original languageEnglish
Article number2121
JournalNature Communications
Publication statusPublished - 2013


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