Dimensioning of the heat balance and the solar heating system in the zero energy house in Denmark

Torben V. Esbensen, Vagn Korsgaard

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    The paper describes the project for a Zero Energy House constructed at the Technical University of Denmark. The house is designed and constructed in such a way that it can be heated all winter without any “artificial” energy supply, the main source being solar energy. With energy conservation arrangements, such as high-insulated constructions (30–40 cm mineral wool insulation), movable insulation of the windows and heat recovery in the ventilating system, the total heat requirement for space heating is calculated to 2300 kWh per year. For a typical, well insulated, one-storied, one-family house built in Denmark, the corresponding heat requirement is 20,000 kWh. The solar heating system is dimensioned to cover the heat requirements and the hot water supply for the Zero Energy House during the whole year on the basis of the weather data in the “Reference Year”. The solar heating system consists of a 42 m2 flat-plate solar collector, a 30 m3 water storage tank (insulated with 60 cm of mineral wool), and a heat distribution system. A total heat balance is set up for the system and solved for each day of the “Reference Year”. Collected and accumulated solar energy in the system is about 7300 kWh per yr; 30 per cent of the collected energy is used for space heating, 30 per cent for hot water supply, and 40 per cent is heat loss from the accumulator tank. For the operation of the solar heating system, the pumps and valves need a conventional electric energy supply of 230 kWh per year (corresponding to 5 per cent of the useful solar energy).
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalSolar Energy
    Issue number2
    Pages (from-to)195-199
    Publication statusPublished - 1977

    Bibliographical note

    Meddelelse nr. 31; Report no. 31


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