A digital self-oscillating modulator (1) having a digital reference signal as input (Vref) comprises a forward loop with a first output and a feedback loop. The feedback loop comprises a feedback block (18) having a transfer function (MFB) and a digital output. The forward loop comprises an alternating output stage (14), and a forward block (12) comprising a filter (12') with a transfer function (MFW) and has a digital output. The digital output from the forward block (12) is input to the alternating stage (14). The forward block (12) is provided with means for calculating the difference between the digi- tal output from the feedback block (18) and the digital reference signal (Vref). The first output is in digital form fed back to the feedback block (18). Provided that the transfer function (MFW) of the forward block (12) is formed by a plurality of integrators, the transfer function (MFB) of the feedback block (18) is not a unity transfer function.
Original language | English |
Patent number | WO2007098766 |
Filing date | 07/09/2007 |
Country/Territory | International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) |
Publication status | Published - 2007 |