Diffusive transport in Stokeslet flow and its application to plankton ecology

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In this paper we consider the advective/diffusive transport of a solute near a hovering zooplankter. We approximate the fluid flow with that of a Stokeslet, corresponding to the plankter exerting a point force on the water, and assume that the plankter acts as a point source for the transported solute, located at the same point as the force. We find an analytical expression in closed form for the steady-state concentration of the solute. We also discuss the situation where the plankter performs Brownian motion. Finally we apply the results to the courtship of the marine copepod Pseudocalanus elongatus, where the male performs a mating dance below the hovering female. For this situation, our model supports the hypothesis that the mating dance is guided by the plume of a signalling pheromone.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Mathematical Biology
Issue number1
Pages (from-to)1-14
Publication statusPublished - 2006


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