Difficulties in the up scaling of aquatic biodegradation laboratory tests to field conditions – rate constants for pelagic water and surface sediments have different dimensions: Abstract No. 4

Niels Nyholm, A.-L.S. Larsen

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference abstract in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationSETAC North America 27th annual meeting: Global environment and sustainability - sound science in a world of diversity. 5-9 November 2006. Montreal, Canada
    Number of pages5
    VolumeAbstract book. CD-ROM
    Place of PublicationPensacola, FL
    Publication date2006
    Publication statusPublished - 2006
    EventSETAC North America 27th annual meeting: Global environment and sustainability - sound science in a world of diversity - Montreal, Canada
    Duration: 5 Nov 20067 Nov 2006
    Conference number: 27


    ConferenceSETAC North America 27th annual meeting

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