Development of a gas fired Vuilleumier heat pump for residential heating

Henrik Carlsen

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

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    A natural gas-driven heat pump based on the Vuilleumier principle has been developed for use in single-family houses. The pump has a heat output of 7.5 kW at a coefficient of performance of 1.62 based on the lower heat content of the gas fuel. The heat pump uses helium as working fluid at 20 MPa mean pressure, and it is designed as a semihermetic unit. A crank mechanism distinguished by very small loads on the piston rings was developed. The advantages and disadvantages of the Vuilleumier principle for heat-driven heat pumps are discussed. Results of the extensive experimental work are presented. A new 20 kW Vuilleumier heat pump is briefly described
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the 24th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference
    VolumeVolume 5
    Publication date1989
    Publication statusPublished - 1989
    Event24th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference - Washington, DC, United States
    Duration: 6 Aug 198911 Aug 1989
    Conference number: 24


    Conference24th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference
    Country/TerritoryUnited States
    CityWashington, DC
    Internet address

    Bibliographical note

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