Development in methodologies for modelling of human and ecotoxic impacts in LCA

Michael Zwicky Hauschild (Invited author), Mark Huijbregts (Invited author), Olivier Jolliet (Invited author), Manuele Margni (Invited author), Tom McKone (Invited author), Dik van de Meent (Invited author), Ralph K. Rosenbaum (Invited author)

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference abstract in proceedingsResearch

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    Under the UNEP-SETAC Life Cycle Initiative there is an aim to develop an internationally backed recommended practice of life cycle impact assessment addressing methodological issues like choice of characterization model and characterization factors. In this context, an international comparison was performed of characterization models for toxic impacts from chemicals in life cycle assessment. Six commonly used characterization models were compared and in a sequence of workshops. Crucial fate, exposure and effect aspects were identified for which the models differed in their treatment. The models were harmonized in an iterative way removing those identified differences which were unintentional or unnecessary and thereby reducing the inter-model variation. A parsimonious (as simple as possible but as complex as needed) and transparent consensus model, USEtox™, was created containing only the most influential model elements. The USEtox™ model produces substance characterization factors, which fall within the range of the results from the participating models, i.e. the new characterization factors do not deviate more from the existing characterization factors than these deviate from each other. The USEtox™ model has been used to calculate characterization factors for several thousand substances and is currently under review with the intention that it shall form the basis of the recommendations from the UNEP-SETAC Life Cycle Initiative regarding characterization of toxic impacts in Life Cycle Assessment. The results are also applicable to comparative chemical assessments outside of LCA.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationEcoChem 2009 - Chemistry & Ecodesign, 1-2 April 2009 in Montpellier, France : Programme, Book of Abstracts
    Number of pages47
    VolumeSession 1 -Which Innovations Concerning LCA and Ecodesign Methodologies?
    PublisherFrench Federation for Chemistry Sciences (FFC) and Chemistry for a Sustainable Development Chair (ChemSuD)
    Publication date2009
    Publication statusPublished - 2009
    EventEcoChem 2009 - Chemistry & Ecodesign, 1-2 April 2009 - Montpellier, France
    Duration: 1 Jan 2009 → …


    ConferenceEcoChem 2009 - Chemistry & Ecodesign, 1-2 April 2009
    CityMontpellier, France
    Period01/01/2009 → …


    • human toxicity
    • ecotoxicity
    • USEtox™
    • Life Cycle Assessment
    • comparative assessment of chemicals


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