Detection of nonlinear behavior using the Random Decrement Technique

Karsten Krautwald Vesterholm, Rune Brincker, Anders Bøving Brandt

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


    This study investigates how the Random Decrement (RD) technique can be used as an output-only method of detecting nonlinear behavior. The proposed detection method is based on a grouping of the triggering points used in the RD calculation. The grouping is based on properties of the response signal at the triggering points, for instance the slope. Grouping the triggering points from the response of a system exhibiting nonlinear behavior in this way, causes the RD signatures calculated from the different groups of triggering points to have different properties. For a linear system, the grouping does not cause a change in the RD signatures, thus allowing the detection of nonlinear behavior. Linearity is assumed in operational modal analysis (OMA), but this assumption is not always valid, and the detection method proposed here could help confirm or reject the assumption.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the 8th Iomac - International Operational Modal Analysis Conference
    Publication date2019
    ISBN (Electronic)9788409049004
    Publication statusPublished - 2019
    Event8th International Operational Modal Analysis Conference - Admiral Hotel, Copenhagen, Denmark
    Duration: 12 May 201915 May 2019
    Conference number: 8


    Conference8th International Operational Modal Analysis Conference
    LocationAdmiral Hotel


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