Detailed 3D multiphysics modeling of an ammonia-fueled solid oxide fuel cell: Anode off-gas recirculation and Ni nitriding degradation

Arash Nemati*, Omid Babaie Rizvandi, Francesco Mondi, Henrik Lund Frandsen

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A deep understanding of underlying processes and possible challenges is required for the development of ammonia-fueled solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) systems. In this context, a detailed 3D multiphysics model of an ammonia-fueled SOFC is developed in the current study. Anode off-gas recirculation and nickel nitriding as two of the main aspects of ammonia-fueled SOFCs are investigated in the current study. The developed model is validated with experimental data under various conditions including direct and pre-cracked ammonia cases for various flow rates at different temperatures (700–850 °C) as well as different recirculation rates. A good agreement is achieved between the model results and the measurement indicating that the physics are well captured. Furthermore, nickel nitriding as one of the main challenges in the direct ammonia-fueled SOFCs is addressed and qualitatively validated with experimental data. The model can explain the reduction of performance difference between direct ammonia-fueled SOFC compared to its pre-cracked counterpart by reducing the fuel flow rate (increasing fuel utilization) and increasing the operating temperature. The highest performance difference (5.87%) is observed at 700 °C and fuel utilization of 14%, and the lowest difference (0.05%) belongs to 850 °C and fuel utilization of 70% at 0.5 A/cm2. Anode off-gas recirculation is found to yield significant savings in ammonia fuel around 21–27% while a slight power reduction (0.34–0.88%) is observed by increasing the recirculation rate from 70 to 90% compared to the case without recirculation. Excessive amount of nitrogen in the high recirculation rates does not show a significant effect on the performance. Nickel nitriding is reduced by increasing the temperature and fuel utilization.
Original languageEnglish
Article number118396
JournalEnergy Conversion and Management
Number of pages15
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC)
  • Ammonia fuel
  • Detailed 3D multiphysics modeling
  • Ammonia cracking
  • Anode off-gas recirculation (AOR)
  • Nickel nitriding degradation


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