Design of lamina orientation for biaxially loaded off-axis tunnelling cracks

Ashish K. Bangaru*, Lars P. Mikkelsen, Bent F. Sørensen

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    The primary objective of this work is to demonstrate how the condition for biaxially loaded off-axis tunnelling crack growth can be reproduced in a modified laminate under uniaxial loading. More specifically, laminates with the stacking sequences [0/θ/0/-θ]s and [0/α/0/-α]s have been considered for the biaxial and uniaxial loadings, respectively. A steady-state crack growth condition is analysed for an isolated off-axis tunnelling crack. The crack tip stress state is expressed in terms of a through thickness averaged mode mixity and energy release rate. The presented framework uses an energy accounting method with the crack opening displacements extracted from a finite element analysis. Results shows that the tunnelling crack tip stress state of the modified laminate under uniaxial loading matches with the biaxially loaded laminate. With a modified off-axis lamina orientation and the additional load amplitude from the biaxially loaded laminate, a simplified uniaxial testing laminate can be designed that yields the same biaxial tunnelling crack tip conditions.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number012032
    JournalIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
    Issue number1
    Number of pages8
    Publication statusPublished - 2020
    Event41st Risø International Symposium on Materials Science - Online event, Denmark
    Duration: 7 Sept 202010 Sept 2020


    Conference41st Risø International Symposium on Materials Science
    CityOnline event


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