Design of grid tariffs in electricity systems with variable renewable energy and power to heat

Klaus Skytte, Claire Bergaentzlé, Emilie Rosenlund Soysal

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


    Large shares of variable renewable energy (VRE), requires flexibility solutions are developed. Considerable flexibility potentials exist from large consumers, e.g. power-to-heat (P2H) in district heating (DH). However, the existing grid tariffs obliterate the price signals from the wholesale electricity market and diminish the business cases for these technologies by increasing the costs of their electricity consumption. With the present tariff structure, only a very small part of the flexibility potential is deployed or operated flexible. In this paper we compare two different grid tariff designs that facilitate more flexible energy demand of DH operators. This is illustrated by a case study of Denmark that clearly demonstrates that the introduction of innovative tariffs will improve the business case for flexible P2H technologies and increase the value of VRE. In this way larger flexibility potentials can be induced and larger shares of VRE become integrated in the energy systems.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publication14th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM)
    Number of pages7
    Publication date2017
    ISBN (Electronic)978-1-5090-5499-2
    Publication statusPublished - 2017
    Event14th International Conference on the European Energy Market - Dresden, Germany
    Duration: 6 Jun 20179 Jun 2017
    Conference number: 14


    Conference14th International Conference on the European Energy Market
    Internet address


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    • Flex4RES: Flexible Nordic Energy Systems

      Skytte, K. (Project Manager), Kitzing, L. (Project Participant), Karlsson, K. B. (Project Participant), Pizarro Alonso, A. R. (Project Participant), Balyk, O. (Project Participant), Bolwig, S. (Project Participant), Pade, L.-L. (Project Participant), Soysal, E. R. (Project Participant), Katz, J. (Project Participant), Olsen, O. J. (Project Participant), Bergaentzlé, C. M. (Project Participant), Sneum, D. M. (Project Participant), Vasileiou, T. (PhD Student), Ravn, H. V. (Project Participant), Boscán Flores, L. R. (Project Participant), Koivisto, M. J. (Project Participant), Sørensen, P. E. S. (Project Participant) & Jensen, I. G. (Project Participant)


      Project: Research

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