Design of Experiments for Food Engineering

Søren Juhl Pedersen

Research output: Book/ReportPh.D. thesis

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This work looks at the application of Design of Experiments (DoE) to Food Engineering (FE) problems in relation to quality. The field of Quality Engineering (QE) is a natural partnering field for FE due to the extensive developments that QE has had in using DoE for quality improvement especially in manufacturing industries. In the thesis the concepts concerning food quality is addressed and in addition how QE proposes to define quality. There is seen a merger in how QE’s definition of quality has been translated for food. At the same time within FE a divergence has been proposed in the literature emphasizing mechanistic modelling over empirical methods. This thesis proposes that this divergence is based on a misunderstanding of what empirical methods entail. The misunderstanding could stem from the issue that the majority of the literature trying to address these issues has focused on analysis procedure almost to the point of excluding the experimental principles and procedures. This thesis has tried to address this as far as possible. The focus has been on supplying practical interpretations of randomization and what blocking entails when designing experiments. These practical interpretations have then been applied in series of actual experiments which are reported and discussed again with the aim of giving practical DoE insight. The diversity of the cases is hopefully broad enough to supply inspiration for others working on their specific issues. The relevance of the fundamental principles is shown by using these directly in the
following novel research studies: The promising application of ohmic heating of shrimp. The results showed a promising technology with major potential for addressing quality issues in over cooking and possibly a better control of weight loss. In a second study the application of ASCA for analyzing a designed experiment using image data as the response with the intention of investigation process design choices is presented. Great potential was seen for using image data to elucidate how and where process choices would affect appearances of product. The aim was to show that the fundamental principles of DoE have as much importance and relevance as ever for both the food industry and FE research.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationSøborg
PublisherNational Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark
Number of pages133
ISBN (Electronic)978-87-93109-83-4
Publication statusPublished - 2015


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