Design of a CaAlSiN3:Eu/glass composite film: Facile synthesis, high saturation-threshold and application in high-power laser lighting

Jian Xu*, Yang Yang, Ziquan Guo, Baofu Hu, Jian Wang, Baoli Du, Bingguo Liu, Haipeng Ji, Carsten Dam-Hansen, Ole B. Jensen

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    Even though CaAlSiN3:Eu2+ (CASN) is, in many regards, a highly suitable red phosphor that can be used in white light-emitting diodes, it can hardly be used in high-power laser-lighting because of its low saturation-threshold. By using CASN-based composite ceramics, it is possible to increase the threshold but new difficulties appear. These include complex and expensive synthesis, while the saturation-threshold still has room for improvement. In this study, we prepare a CASN/glass composite film, using an industry-friendly blade-coating method. The film has a high internal quantum efficiency of 79%, which suggests low conversion loss. Under 1.17 W blue laser excitation, a high luminous efficacy of 21.0 lm/W can be obtained. More importantly, the composite film shows a record-high saturation-threshold of more than 12.7 W (∼320 W/cm2) blue laser excitation. With these outstanding properties, CASN/glass composite films may open doors towards commercially viable red color converters for high-power laser-lighting applications.

    Original languageEnglish
    JournalJournal of the European Ceramic Society
    Pages (from-to)4704-4708
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2020


    • Blade-coating
    • CaAlSiN:Eu
    • Composite film
    • High-power laser-lighting
    • Red phosphor


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