Design and analysis of planar printed microwave and PBG filters using an FDTD method

M.S. Tong, Y.L. Lu, Y.C. Chen, M.W. Yang, Q.S. Cao, Viktor Krozer, R. Vahldieck

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    In this paper, various planar printed microwave and photonic band-gap (PBG) filters have been designed and analyzed by applying the finite difference time domain method, together with an unsplit-anisotropic perfectly matched layer technique as treatments of boundary conditions. The implemented solver was first validated by comparing the computed data with those published in literature, and a good agreement was observed between the results. Then, based on the specified design criteria, various microwave and PBG filters were designed and analyzed, in which the theoretical predictions matched well with the computed results for the characteristics of the proposed filters.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalMicroelectronics Journal
    Issue number9
    Pages (from-to)777-781
    Publication statusPublished - 2004


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