Description of the detailed Functional Architecture of the Frequency and Voltage control solution (functional and information layer)

Chris Caerts, Evangelos Rikos, Mazheruddin Syed, Efren Guillo Sansano, Julia Merino-Fernández, Emilio Rodriguez Seco, Berend Evenblij , Michel M.N. Rezkalla, Michal Kosmecki, Armagan Temiz, Mattia Cabiati, Carlo Tornelli, Mathias Uslar, Kai Heussen, Mattia Marinelli

    Research output: Book/ReportReportResearchpeer-review

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    This D4.2 document provides the description of the detailed functional architecture of the selected solutions that will be implemented and tested. This is documented by combining a function-based IEC 62559 Use Case description with an SGAM mapping of these functions and the interactions among these functions on the Function and Information layer.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages115
    Publication statusPublished - 2017

    Bibliographical note

    European FP7 project - ELECTRA public deliverable<br/><br/>C. Caerts, et al, “Description of the detailed Functional Architecture of the Frequency and Voltage control solution (functional and information layer),” ELECTRA Deliverable D4.2. WP4 Fully Interoperable systems. Mar. 2017.


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