Description of matrix discretization with focus on the Gauss laplacian discretization operator and how to create a modified version: CFD with OpenSource software

Jesper Roland Kjærgaard Qwist

    Research output: Book/ReportBookEducationpeer-review

    475 Downloads (Pure)
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages97
    Publication statusPublished - 2019

    Bibliographical note

    Disclaimer: This is a student project work, done as part of a course where OpenFOAM and some other OpenSource software are introduced to the students. Any reader should be aware that it might not be free of errors. Still, it might be useful for someone who would like learn some details similar to the ones presented in the report and in the accompanying files. The material has gone through a review process. The role of the reviewer is to go through the tutorial and make sure that
    it works, that it is possible to follow, and to some extent correct the writing. The reviewer has no responsibility for the contents.

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