Dense SDM (12-Core × 3-Mode) Transmission Over 527 km With 33.2-ns Mode-Dispersion Employing Low-Complexity Parallel MIMO Frequency-Domain Equalization

Kohki Shibahara, Doohwan Lee, Takayuki Kobayashi, Takayuki Mizuno, Hidehiko Takara, Akihide Sano, Hiroto Kawakami, Yutaka Miyamoto, Hirotaka Ono, Manabu Oguma, Yoshiteru Abe, Takashi Matsui, Ryohei Fukumoto, Yoshimichi Amma, Tsukasa Hosokawa, Shoichiro Matsuo, Kunimasa Saitoh, Makoto Yamada, Toshio Morioka

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We propose long-haul space-division-multiplexing (SDM) transmission systems employing parallel multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) frequency-domain equalization (FDE) and transmission fiber with low differential mode delay (DMD). We first discuss the advantages of parallel MIMO FDE technique in long-haul SDM transmission systems in terms of the computational complexity, and then, compare the complexity required for parallel MIMO FDE as well as the conventional time-domain equalization techniques. Proposed parallel MIMO FDE that employs low baud rate multicarrier signal transmission with a receiver-side FDE enables us to compensate for 33.2-ns DMD with considerably low-computational complexity. Next, we describe in detail the newly developed fiber and devices we used in the conducted experiments. A graded-index (GI) multicore few-mode fiber (MC-FMF) suppressed the accumulation of DMD as well as intercore crosstalk. Mode dependent loss/gain effect was also mitigated by employing both a ring-core FM erbium-doped fiber amplifier and a free-space optics type gain equalizer. By combining these advanced techniques together, we finally demonstrate 12-core × 3-mode dense SDM transmission over 527-km GI MC-FMF without optical DMD management.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Lightwave Technology
Issue number1
Pages (from-to)196-204
Publication statusPublished - 2016

Bibliographical note

Post-Deadline paper.


  • Differential mode delay (DMD)
  • Few-mode fiber (FMF)
  • Frequency-domain processing
  • Multicore fiber (MCF)
  • Space division multiplexing


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