Demand side resource operation on the Irish power system with high wind power penetration

A. Keane, A. Tuohy, Peter Meibom, E. Denny, D. Flynn, A. Mullane, M. O'Malley

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    The utilisation of demand side resources is set to increase over the coming years with the advent of advanced metering infrastructure, home area networks and the promotion of increased energy efficiency. Demand side resources are proposed as an energy resource that, through aggregation, can form part of the power system plant mix and contribute to the flexible operation of a power system. A model for demand side resources is proposed here that captures its key characteristics for commitment and dispatch calculations. The model is tested on the all island Irish power system, and the operation of the model is simulated over one year in both a stochastic and deterministic mode, to illustrate the impact of wind and load uncertainty. The results illustrate that demand side resources can contribute to the efficient, flexible operation of systems with high penetrations of wind by replacing some of the functions of conventional peaking plant. Demand side resources are also shown to be capable of improving the reliability of the system, with reserve capability identified as a key requirement in this respect.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalEnergy Policy
    Issue number5
    Pages (from-to)2925-2934
    Publication statusPublished - 2011


    • Intelligent energy systems


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