DeiC Super Computing 2019 Report: Fact Finding Tour at Super Computing 19, November - Denver, Colorado

Mads Boye, Pietro Antonio Bortolozzo, Niels Carl Hansen, Hans Henrik Happe, Erik Østergaard Madsen, Ole Holm Nielsen, Jannick Visling

Research output: Book/ReportReportResearchpeer-review

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The purpose of the present document is to briefly report the delegation’s findings. The trip was subsidized in part by the Danish e-infrastructure Cooperation (DeiC). Prior to SC19 conference, parts of the delegation attended various events, such as a DELL EMC visit in Round Rock, HP-CAST 33 conference and the INTEL HPC Developer Conference 2019. During these conferences the delegation attended a number of Birds of a Feather sessions (BoF), Talks, Workshops, and Technical Sessions. In addition, the delegation had arranged meetings with a number of vendors to gain knowledge of hardware and software developments within the High Performance Computing (HPC) field. Information obtained during vendor meetings was mostly under Non-disclosure agreements (NDA), and cannot be disclosed in this report.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages21
Publication statusPublished - 2020
EventInternational Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis - Colorado Convention Center, Denver, United States
Duration: 17 Nov 201922 Nov 2019


ConferenceInternational Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis
LocationColorado Convention Center
Country/TerritoryUnited States
Internet address


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