Decoupling crossover in asymmetric broadside coupled split-ring resonators at terahertz frequencies

G. R. Keiser, Andrew Strikwerda, K. Fan, V. Young, X. Zhang, R. D. Averitt

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    We investigate the electromagnetic response of asymmetric broadside coupled split-ring resonators (ABC-SRRs) as a function of the relative in-plane displacement between the two component SRRs. The asymmetry is defined as the difference in the capacitive gap widths (Δg) between the two resonators comprising a coupled unit. We characterize the response of ABC-SRRs both numerically and experimentally via terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. As with symmetric BC-SRRs (Δg=0 μm), a large redshift in the LC resonance is observed with increasing displacement, resulting from changes in the capacitive and inductive coupling. However, for ABC-SRRs, in-plane shifting between the two resonators by more than 0.375 Lo (Lo= SRR sidelength) results in a transition to a response with two resonant modes, associated with decoupling in the ABC-SRRs. For increasing Δg, the decoupling transition begins at the same relative shift (0.375 Lo), though with an increase in the oscillator strength of the new mode. This strongly contrasts with symmetric BC-SRRs, which present only one resonance for shifts up to 0.75 Lo. Since all BC-SRRs are effectively asymmetric when placed on a substrate, an understanding of ABC-SRR behavior is essential for a complete understanding of BC-SRR based metamaterials.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number024101
    JournalPhysical Review B Condensed Matter
    Issue number2
    Number of pages5
    Publication statusPublished - 2013


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