Decay curves in coupled, reverberant spaces

Jamilla Balin, Melanie Nolan, Efren Fernandez Grande, Jonas Brunskog, Cheol-Ho Jeong, Ning Xiang, Gerhard Graber

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


    This study investigates the effect of panel and boundary diffusers in a reverberant space. Diffusers
    are usually mounted in a reverberation chamber to increase the diffuse sound field as
    recommended in Annex A of ISO 354. The ISO is not specific about the location or the material
    of the panels; the standard only states that the absorption coefficient of a highly absorbing
    material will increase and approach a maximum value. This value is usually much higher than
    1 when diffusers are added. It is also known that the reproducibility of absorption coefficient
    measurements in reverberation chambers is unsatisfying. This study investigates the effect of
    panel diffusers, in particular considering that their dispositioning in a room can create coupled
    spaces, decreasing the effective volume of the chamber, and leading to an overestimation of the
    absorption coefficient. The decay curves are measured in a small chamber with panels placed in
    a corner creating a coupled space. Both in the empty room as well as with A = 3 m2 absorbing
    porous sample on the floor, the decay curves are evaluated. Additionally, the effect of boundary
    diffusers is considered. The decay curves for different room configurations in the occupied
    (with high absorption on the floor) and unoccupied state (without any absorption) are compared.
    The decay curve in the occupied state without any panels or boundary diffusers has a breakpoint
    where the slope changes its value. This can also be observed in the unoccupied state with panels
    placed in the corner of the room.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of 22nd International Congress on Acoustics
    Number of pages10
    Publication date2016
    Publication statusPublished - 2016
    Event22nd International Congress on Acoustics : Acoustics for the 21st century - Catholic University of Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina
    Duration: 5 Sept 20169 Sept 2016


    Conference22nd International Congress on Acoustics
    LocationCatholic University of Argentina
    CityBuenos Aires
    Internet address


    • Reverberation chamber
    • Absorption
    • Diffusivity
    • Diffusers


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