Day-Ahead Energy Planning with 100% Electric Vehicle Penetration in the Nordic Region by 2050

Zhaoxi Liu, Qiuwei Wu, Arne Hejde Nielsen, Yun Wang

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    This paper presents the day-ahead energy planning of passenger cars with 100% electric vehicle (EV) penetration in the Nordic region by 2050. EVs will play an important role in the future energy systems which can both reduce the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission from the transport sector and provide demand side flexibility required by the smart grids. On the other hand, the EVs will increase the electricity consumption. In order to quantify the electricity consumption increase due to the 100% EV penetration in the Nordic region to facilitate the power system planning studies, the day-ahead energy planning of EVs has been investigated with different EV charging scenarios. Five EV charging scenarios have been considered in the energy planning analysis which are uncontrolled charging all day, uncontrolled charging at home, timed charging, spot price
    based charging all day and spot price based charging at home. The demand profiles of the five charging analysis show that timed charging is the least favorable charging option and the spot priced based EV charging might induce high peak demands. The EV charging demand will have a big share of the energy consumption in the future Nordic power system.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1733-1749
    Publication statusPublished - 2014


    • Day-ahead energy planning
    • Electric vehicle (EV)
    • Spot price based charging
    • Timed charging
    • Uncontrolled charging


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