Data Analytic for Healthcare Cyber Physical System

Wensheng Gan, Kaixia Hu, Gengsen Huang, Wei-Che Chien, Han-Chieh Chao, Weizhi Meng

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Nowadays, a large number of AI-powered healthcare cyber-physical systems (CPSs) have been used in healthcare services. In order to provide better care, AI-powered healthcare CPSs analyze the data they collect using a variety of techniques. Data analysis for artificial intelligence (AI)-driven healthcare CPS is one of these approaches. However, none of the techniques in data analysis can provide a good representation of contiguous and negative information. Therefore, we are the first to introduce the problem of contiguous negative sequential pattern mining. A novel algorithm called Contiguous Negative Sequential Pattern Miner (CNSPM) is proposed to discover and analyze contiguous negative sequential patterns (CNSPs) from the data collected by healthcare CPSs. Finally, we select some real medical and non-medical datasets to conduct numerous experiments. We further analyze the discovered patterns and show how healthcare services can use meaningful patterns for medical decision-making. The performance results on these datasets demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can discover more valuable patterns efficiently and effectively from the collected and transformed medical data.
Original languageEnglish
JournalIEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering
Issue number5
Pages (from-to)2490 - 2502
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • Healthcare
  • CPS
  • Medical data
  • Data mining
  • Contiguous sequence


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