
This is the report for the third and last phase of in total three planned phases, which the Fisher-Researcher network aimed to get financed through the EMFF funds, already in the drafting of the network back in 2015. This third phase ran from October 8th 2019 to September 30th 2023.

The Danish fishery is constantly developing both structurally and technologically as a result of changes in nature and social/economic factors. Therefore, it is of great importance for the management of the fish resources that there is mutual insight and understanding of fishery related problems and in the research that can identify solutions. The basis of the common fisheries policy is a development towards a higher degree of ecosystem-based management, where both the environment and all species in the catch must be considered. This means that there is a constant need for improvements in the accuracy of population and ecosystem assessments. Research is focused on the general ecosystem interactions and the state of the stocks and thus the overall scope for fishing, whereas the fishermen's daily work takes place on fine spatial and temporal scales, where the local environment affects the fishing opportunities through the occurrence and distribution of fish and the interaction between the species.

Throughout all three phases, the purpose of the Fisher-Researcher project has been to strengthen the dialogue between the Danish fishing industry and operational fisheries research through network activities. Sharing and building up knowledge is considered both beneficial for sustainable development in coastal communities, as well as providing researchers with first- hand information about the developments in the fishery.

The network initiatives involved workshops, working groups, idea collection, knowledge sharing, project development, courses, web dissemination and council work, in a close collaboration between fishermen and apprentices, industry associations, as well as researchers and students. These activities were divided into six work packages, each shortly described below.

WP 1. Platform for dialogue and knowledge sharing in the fisherman-researcher collaboration
The web platform for dialogue and knowledge was moved to DTU Aqua’s web site, in order to consolidate and secure the page for future updates. www.fisker-forsker.dk is therefore still active. The database with fact-sheets on relevant projects is and will continuously be updated. Public presentations have been made on e.g. DanFish in 2021 and at Naturmødet in Hirtshals 2020 and at meetings with NGO’s.

Educational Initiatives and collaboration with fisher education centers on course elements continued, and student projects were aligned with practical offerings in the industry. However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, online seminars were conducted in the first part of the project period. Later, physical sessions resumed.

WP2. Meeting activities and workshops
Workshops and Seminars: Researchers engaged in various workshops, including local fisheries association meetings, national fishing harbor meetings, and discussions with fisheries authorities on fishing practices, pilot fishing projects and green transition proposals.

WP3. Idea maturation: from fishing innovation to practical implementation in the fishing industry
A large number of ideas and subjects were discussed throughout the project period. E.g. addressing the declining fisheries in inland and Baltic waters, the network collected ideas for new fisheries and fishing opportunities. In total four project proposals were submitted based on this initiative. Two of those were on new fisheries for respectively stickleback and greater weever and two on optimizing existing fisheries on respectively sandeel and brown shrimp.

WP4. Research support for the Danish fishing industry's participation in international meetings and working groups

Researchers participated in international forums, such as Baltic Sea Advisory Council meetings, the Trilateral working group on North Sea herring management and ICES benchmarks and supported discussions on e.g. herring, shrimps, sandeel and stickleback.

WP5. Development of an online, open platform for spatial fishing information
Discussions between policy makers, the fishing industry and environmental agencies on the impact of demersal fisheries have often been more about the correctness of the numbers presented than their actual effect and interpretation. Therefore, this work package aimed to make the most accurate data on Danish demersal fishing distributions and extent publicly available through an online platform. Therefore, a digital platform was developed to display Danish fishing patterns and environmental impact, facilitating sustainable planning for fisheries and maritime activities. The map shows the spatial distribution and intensity of all bottom-towed gears used by Danish fishermen and provides quantitative indicators of fishing pressure as advised by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES).

Link to the interactive map “The seafloor footprint of Danish fishing”: https://ono.dtuaqua.dk/DDFAM/

WP6. Project management
Throughout the project, extensive planning and coordination through 13 steering group meetings ensured alignment with the project goals. Changes and prolongations were requested due to unforeseen challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic and staffing issues.
Original languageDanish
Place of PublicationKgs. Lyngby, Danmark
PublisherDTU Aqua
Number of pages28
ISBN (Electronic)978-87-7481-402-3
Publication statusPublished - 2024
SeriesDTU Aqua-rapport

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