title = "DANMAP 2013: Use of antimicrobial agents and occurrence of antimicrobial resistance in bacteria from food animals, food and humans in Denmark",
abstract = "DANMAP (Danish Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring and Research Program) has monitored antimicrobial resistance and consumption of antimicrobial agents in food animals and in humans in Denmark since 1995. This report describes changes and trends in 2013.",
author = "Yvonne Agers{\o} and Flemming Bager and Jeppe Boel and Birgitte Helwigh and {Borck H{\o}g}, Birgitte and Jensen, {Lars Bog{\o}} and {de Knegt}, Leonardo and Helle Korsgaard and Larsen, {Lars Stehr} and S{\o}rensen, {Anna Irene Vedel} and Tine Dalby and Hammerum, {Anette M.} and Steen Hoffmann and {Gaardbo Kuhn}, Katrin and {Rhod Larsen}, Anders and Maja Laursen and Nielsen, {Eva M{\o}ller} and Olsen, {Stefan S.} and Andreas Petersen and Line Bagger-Skj{\o}t and Skov, {Robert L.} and Hans-Christian Slotved and Mia Torpdahl",
year = "2014",
language = "English",
publisher = "Statens Serum Institut",