Damage mechanism based approach to the structural health monitoring of wind turbine blades

Malcolm McGugan, Leon Mishnaevsky*

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    A damage mechanism based approach to the structural health monitoring of wind turbine blades is formulated. Typical physical mechanisms of wind turbine blade degradation, including surface erosion, adhesive fatigue, laminate cracking and in some cases compressive kinking and failure are reviewed. Examples of a local, damage mechanism based approach to the structural health monitoring of wind turbine blades are demonstrated, including the monitoring of leading edge erosion of wind turbine blades, adhesive bond failure, plydrop delamination, static and dynamic plydrop tests, and bolt and laminate fatigue. The examples demonstrate the possibilities of monitoring specific damage mechanisms, and specific localizations of wind turbine blades.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number1223
    Issue number12
    Number of pages23
    Publication statusPublished - 2020


    • Wind energy
    • Wind turbine blades
    • Maintenance
    • Structural health monitoring


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