D4.9 Bornholm Lighthouse UC-5 report

Jan Martin Wilhelm Zepter, Mirko Ledro, Jan Engelhardt, Tatiana Gabderakhmanova, Mattia Marinelli, Anna Sofie Poulsen, Hans Henrik Ipsen, Torben Jørgensen

    Research output: Book/ReportReportResearchpeer-review

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    Deliverable 4.9 focuses on the main conclusions reached after finalizing modelling, basic and detail engineering, and equipment development activities previous to the deployment of the Use Case 5. Use Case 5 aims at assessing the integrated management of local bio-based economies supporting the electrical, thermal and transport domains at the Aakirkeby substation in the Danish Island of Bornholm. Starting from D4.10 (Bornholm Lighthouse energy system models) and D4.11 (Bornholm Lighthouse interventions equipment detail engineering), the current deliverable D4.9 collects an extensive set of results based on data-driven simulations on the Aakirkeby virtual power plant (VPP). Using the Bornholm energy system simulation model, different interventions are examined in close detail that form a solid base for the next step of expanding the VPP insights from the substation of
    Aakirkeby to the whole energy system of Bornholm and producing an action plan together with the Investment Planning Tool developed in the INSULAE project. In this document, the reader will find an extensive description of the existing and future connected components in the VPP, comprising a biogas plant, two large-scale wind farms, a large-scale PV park, a prospective electric vehicle (EV) fleet, an electric boiler and a connected district heating network, residential and industrial consumption, as well as a prospective stationary battery and an electrolyser system. Furthermore, a set of different simulation studies are presented touching upon topics around the (i) flexibility of biogas plants, (ii) power and energy management of EV fleets, (iii) power capping capabilities of wind farms, (iv) extension of a multi-domain VPP structure by an electrolyser, as well as (v) yearly energy considerations of different interventions at the substation of Aakirkeby. This document gathers the key results of these simulation studies. Results collected in this deliverable are based on scientific papers generated as part of the Insulae project and master thesis projects conducted at the Technical University of Denmark D4.9 concludes, together with D4.8 (Bornholm Lighthouse Use Case-4 report), the simulation activities in the task T4.3 (Bornholm Lighthouse demonstration preparatory activities) of the INSULAE project.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherTechnical University of Denmark
    Number of pages65
    Publication statusPublished - 2021

    Bibliographical note

    This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 824433


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