D4.8 Bornholm Lighthouse UC-4 report

Jan Engelhardt, Tatiana Gabderakhmanova, Lisa Calearo, Jan Martin Wilhelm Zepter, Mirko Ledro, Mattia Marinelli

    Research output: Book/ReportReportResearchpeer-review

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    Deliverable 4.8 collects main results and conclusions reached after finalizing modelling, engineering, and equipment development activities preceding to the deployment of the equipment in Use case 4. Use case 4 overarching objective is to demonstrate the operation of a DC microgrid consisting of multiple units. The microgrid is formed by a reconfigurable storage system with an overall energy capacity of 312 kWh, a 61 kW photovoltaic plant, and two 175 kW EV fast charging stations along with a 43 kW connection to the public grid. Detailed objectives of the demonstration focus on assessing the energy management across the different components while minimizing energy losses, increasing therefore the overall system efficiency compared to a traditional system. The capability of the DC microgrid in harvesting more PV production is therefore benchmarked with another
    identical 61 kW photovoltaic system connected through a traditional DC/AC inverter. Particular focus is given to the specific characterization of the reconfigurable system and its inherent control and optimization, while achieving EV fast charging objectives with locally produced photovoltaic energy and minimal request of power from the public grid. This deliverable provides a general overview of the use case, final architecture, sizing and operation principle of the DC microgrid, detailed description of its energy components, and the environment it will be integrated in. It also collects an extensive set of results and conclusions based on datadriven simulations focused on testing different energy management and control approaches and functions on the system- and on the battery cell level. Results collected in this deliverable are based on scientific papers generated as part of the Insulae
    project and master thesis projects conducted at the Technical University of Denmark. D4.8 concludes, together with D4.9 (Bornholm Lighthouse Use Case-5 report), the simulation
    activities in the task T4.3 (Bornholm Lighthouse demonstration preparatory activities) of the INSULAE project.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherTechnical University of Denmark
    Number of pages56
    Publication statusPublished - 2021

    Bibliographical note

    This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 824433


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