Embodiments of the present invention include a cuvette (100) for use in determining a refractive index of a sample matter in a spectrophotometer (600), the cuvette comprising a container (102) for holding the sample matter, the container (102) having an entry window (121) that allows input radiation to reach the sample matter, the container furthermore having an exit window (122) that allows a part of the input radiation to exit the container part, the entry window and the exit window defining a radiation path; and comprising a photonic crystal (101) rigidly attached to the container or integrally formed in the container and arranged in the radiation path, the photonic crystal having a grating part (111) causing a reflectance spectrum of the photonic crystal to exhibit a resonance. A spectrophotometer is also provided.
Original language | English |
IPC | G02B 6/ 122 A I |
Patent number | WO2017129196 |
Filing date | 03/08/2017 |
Country/Territory | International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) |
Priority date | 14/10/2016 |
Priority number | DKPA201670814 |
Publication status | Published - 3 Aug 2017 |