Creating a common Danish list of railway timetable evaluation criteria and revising the timetabling process accordingly

Bernd Schittenhelm, Alex Landex

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


    With the liberalization of the European railway sector, the number of national
    railway timetable stakeholders has increased drastically. A need arises for
    reaching a common consensus about the timetabling criteria and their priority
    which the timetabling process should be based on.
    To create a common Danish list of railway timetable evaluation and
    optimization criteria a two step process was launched. Individual interviews were
    conducted with selected Danish stakeholders: DSB, Arriva, DB Schenker Rail,
    The Danish Transport Authority and Rail Net Denmark. Each stakeholder made
    a list of five prioritized timetabling criteria. These lists were input for the second
    working step: A timetabling criteria workshop at the Technical University of
    Denmark, where a first agreement on timetabling criteria between stakeholders
    was achieved. The result was a three layered list of prioritized criteria. Rank 1
    criteria: capacity consumption on line sections and systematic timetable. Rank 2
    criteria: robustness of the timetable and societal acceptance of the timetable and
    rank 3 criteria: travel time of trains and attractive transfer options.
    With this new tool a revised timetabling process at Rail Net Denmark is
    proposed. The very basic structure of the process cannot be changed due to EU
    legislation and Rail Net Europe guidelines. Key performance indicators derived
    from the identified timetabling criteria are introduced. As is a more iterative
    approach to the timetabling process due to the assumption of major
    improvements within timetable planning systems. This new iterative timetabling
    process using key performance indicators will result in improved future
    timetables and in lower levels of disagreement between timetable stakeholders.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationComputers in Railways XIII : Computer System Design and Operation in the Railway and Other Transit Systems
    EditorsC.A. Brabbia, N. Tomii, J.M. Mera, B. Ning, P. Tzieropoulos
    Place of PublicationAshurst
    PublisherWIT Press
    Publication date2012
    ISBN (Print)978-1-84564-616-5
    ISBN (Electronic)978-1-84564-617-2
    Publication statusPublished - 2012
    Event13th International Conference on Design and Operation in Railway Enginering: COMPRAIL XIII - Wessex Institute of Technology, New Forest, United Kingdom
    Duration: 11 Sept 201213 Sept 2012
    Conference number: 13


    Conference13th International Conference on Design and Operation in Railway Enginering
    LocationWessex Institute of Technology
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    CityNew Forest
    SeriesWIT Transactions on the Built Environment


    • Railway timetables
    • Timetabling criteria
    • Timetable evaluation
    • Timetable key performance indicators
    • Tometabling process


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