Corrosion Aspects of High-level Waste Disposal in Salt Domes

K. Rørbo

    Research output: Book/ReportReportResearch

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    In the ELSAM/ELKRAFT waste management project it is planned that the high-level waste is classified, encapsulated in canisters and finally deposited in a deep hole drilled in a salt dome. In the present report corrosion aspects of the canisters after deposition are discussed. The chemical environment will probably be a limited amount of brine coming form brine inclusions in the surrounding salt and moving up against the temperature gradient, the temperature at the canister being in the range of 100-150°C. The possible types of corrosion and the expected corrosion rates for a number of potential canister materials (mild steel, autenitic and ferritic stainless steels, Ni-base alloys, copper, titanium and a few combinations of materials) are discussed. Mild steel (possibly combined with an inner layer of copper or titanium might possibly be appropriate choice of material for the canister.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationRoskilde, Denmark
    PublisherRisø National Laboratory
    Number of pages41
    Publication statusPublished - 1979


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