Corner universality in polygonal hydraulic jumps

S.I. Tamim, T. Nichols, J. Lundbek Hansen, T. Bohr, J. B. Bostwick*

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Steady polygonal hydraulic jumps have a complex flow structure and are formed when a circular jump loses stability through an increase in the downstream liquid height beyond a critical value. We report the experimental observation of a universal corner shape in polygonal hydraulic jumps over a wide range of experimental conditions that include the flow rate, weir geometry, and flow history, as defined by the tip radius of curvature and the corner angle. The tip radius of curvature is nearly constant over all experimental conditions, whereas the corner angle weakly depends on gravitational effects. Knowledge of the corner angle allows one to determine the global jump shape, as defined by a dimensionless geometry number related to the isoperimetric inequality, thus giving a complete description of the jump shape.
Original languageEnglish
Article numberL032001
JournalPhysical Review Fluids
Issue number3
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 2023


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