Controlled Electrochemical Barrier Calculations without Potential Control

Simeon D. Beinlich*, Georg Kastlunger, Karsten Reuter, Nicolas G. Hörmann

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The knowledge of electrochemical activation energies under applied potential conditions is a prerequisite for understanding catalytic activity at electrochemical interfaces. Here, we present a new set of methods that can compute electrochemical barriers with accuracy comparable to that of constant potential grand canonical approaches, without the explicit need for a potentiostat. Instead, we Legendre transform a set of constant charge, canonical reaction paths. Additional straightforward approximations offer the possibility to compute electrochemical barriers at a fraction of computational cost and complexity, and the analytical inclusion of geometric response highlights the importance of incorporating electronic as well as the geometric degrees of freedom when evaluating electrochemical barriers.

Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Chemical Theory and Computation
Issue number22
Pages (from-to)8323−8331
Publication statusPublished - 2023


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